Thursday 6 June 2013

PIGEONNEWS24.Racing Pigeon Medication and Treatment for Malaria

Racing Pigeon Diseases and Ailments .
By  +wynand wolmarans    SEE
When a pigeon become sick or the loft performance is poor we always grab for the bottle.Sometime we give the right medication , most other times we guess because we don't know which medicine to give for what disease, or for how long and when to follow up the treatment .
Firstly we find out what is wrong before we grab for the bottle , then we can commence with the treatment .

Malaria destroy the red blood cells of the pigeon.
It is mostly carried by mosquito and pigeon fly. ( by dipping t can be prevented )
If the pigeon contracted the disease he will have it forever

Malaria symptoms we can see on pigeons and loft
1) Lots of dandruff next to the keel bone
2) Pigeons became  anemic ( white in beak and not normal pink)
3) Pigeons fly low around the loft
4) Pigeons will fly low on liberation and take longer to find their way
5) From a race they will come two or three together with a good following up but 10 to 15 min late on result      
    sheet .

Malaria treatment
1) Assume the whole loft have the disease ant treat them immediately for 10 days ( the medication you put with your normal program and it don't affect the vitamins and stuff you give.)
2) It take 52 days ( 7 and a half weeks ) for the red blood cells to get back to normal. The first treatment must be 8 weeks before your first race.
3) Follow up treatment must then be once a week for one day or two days every two weeks.The treatment must be trough out the racing season.
4) Iron supplement use helr the red blood cell count to rise.
5) To make 100% sure you can test the pigeons blood under a microscope.See the book of the Flying Vet.

1) +Kitchenbrands Lofts
2) +Pigeons Eijerkamp

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